Having a business is a pretty cool thing, and those of you that have one, or at least trying to have one knows exactly what I mean. But whats even more cool is the fact that the work you do or products that you sell helps or makes the customers life easier. I wanted to take time out and reflect to a time when I didn’t have a office and I was doing graphic design out of the back of my Aunts beauty shop in Whitehaven. Where I first began work on music projects for President AC. We linked up on myspace which was very popular social network at the time. Well a couple of months ago I log onto Facebook and I see a notification from him starting that he was ready to link up with me again for another project (see picture). And I say that to say this to all business owners, if the quality of your brand is up to people thats something that people dont forget about and if you offer that everytime, when they need something they will always come back to you.